Certified BIO

In the vicinity of the historic vineyards, the company olive grove has almost three hectares of hilly plants, where a thousand plants of significant cultivars are grown: Leccino, Moraiolo, Grignan and Carboncella. Great attention is paid to each step, with the desire to highlight the healthy contributions of the surrounding microclimate, creating a highly representative oil. From the manual harvesting we move on to the daily “cold” milling in the continuous cycle owned mill, ensuring a transformation with attention to every detail. Limpid and fragrant, the oil has a distinctly fruity and dynamic bouquet, ready and penetrating, with hints of yellow flowers and citrus fruits. The body shows balance in taste, linking the sweet fleshiness with the aromatic development of bitter and spicy, up to the graceful and persistent finish. Always CERTIFIED BIO, over time it has collected numerous prizes and awards, both regional and national.

Dove Siamo

Via Anticolana, Località Vico
03012 ANAGNI (FR)


Tel. 391 3481031

Orari di Apertura

Lun.Ven. 10,00-13,00
su appuntamento